St Enoder Baptisms 1570 to 1604
Day Month Year Forename Surname Sex Father Forename Mother Forename Abode Father Occupation Register Notes Transcriber Notes
11-Mar 1570 Nickolas VDYE son Wm

Entry difficult to read
13-Mar 1570 Dewnes MEYOW dau

Entry difficult to read
14-Mar 1570 Elizabeth DAVIS? dau John

Entry difficult to read
29-Mar 1571 Jone PHILLIPES dau Wm

Entry difficult to read
31-Mar 1571 John NICHOLAS alls GAWDES son ?----

Entry difficult to read
06-Apr 1571 James RICKARD son ?---mas

Entry difficult to read
19-Apr 1571 Nicholl RAW dau John

Entry difficult to read
09-May 1571 Jane SHORT dau John

Entry difficult to read
26-May 1571 Dorothye COSGARN dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
30-May 1571 Marg BYSE dau Humfry

Entry difficult to read
24-Jun 1571 John HOOPER son Nicholas

Entry difficult to read
11-Aug 1571 Roberte KEBALL son Nicholas

Entry difficult to read
11-Aug 1571 Maryne LAVELLYN dau Alexander

Entry difficult to read
14-Aug 1571 Robert LUKES? son John

Entry difficult to read
13-Sep 1571 Michaell ?---- son John

Entry difficult to read
30-Sep 1571 Reignold SYM---- son Jo

Entry difficult to read
07-Nov 1571 John WILLO---- son Nicholas

Entry difficult to read
03-Dec 1571 Richard KNEB---- son Hugh

Entry difficult to read
23-Dec 1571 J…… MABLYN dau Peter

Entry difficult to read
31-Dec 1571 France PARKYN son Richard

Entry difficult to read
04-Jan 1571 John PENCOS son WM

Entry difficult to read
30-Jan 1571 Jane CLEIFE dau Walt

05-Mar 1571 Maryne PELLES---- dau Alexand

Entry difficult to read
22-Mar 1571 Agnes SKYNNER dau

base? Entry difficult to read
15-May 1572 Mary BENNETT dau Richard

Entry difficult to read
08-Jun 1572 Thomasine CONDYE dau Jo

19-Jun 1572 Nicholas COWLAN son Jerman

06-Jul 1572 Richard PERKINGE or CHAPMAN son Thomas Chapman Jone Perkinge

The fathers name being Thomas Chapman Entry difficult to read
16-Sep 1572 Wm DONN son Richarde

Entry difficult to read
21-Sep 1572 John ROWE son Jo

21-Sep 1572 Marg BURTHY alias PETERS dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
28-Sep 1572 John LAVYN son John

07-Oct 1572 John CARVEATH son France

Entry difficult to read
07-Oct 1572 Julian PERKINGE dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
15-Oct 1572 Margaret COUCHE dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
18-Oct 1572 Wm JOLL? son Thom

Entry difficult to read
Nov 1572 Alice ?---- dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
23-Nov 1572 Xpian C----? dau Paskow

Entry difficult to read
24-Nov 1572 John GEORGE son Francis

Entry difficult to read
30-Nov 1572 John CHAMP---- son Jo

Entry difficult to read
07-Dec 1572 Richarde CAD--- son Ric

Entry difficult to read
29-Dec 1572 Willm BYSE son Wm

Entry difficult to read
06-Jan 1572 John & James TREBISK sons Hen

Entry difficult to read
06-Feb 1572 Emlyn COBB dau Nic

Entry difficult to read
07-Mar 1572 John ELLERY son Jo

Entry difficult to read
14-Mar 1572 Richarde P----- son Ric

Entry difficult to read
25-Apr 1573 Jone ?---- dau Wm

Entry difficult to read
Apr 1573 John RANCKE son Wm

Entry difficult to read
01-Jul 1573 John BARTLA son Jo

05-Jul 1573 Alice WALSH dau Hen

Entry difficult to read
07-Jul 1573 John SLEAPE son Jo

born after the decease of the said John Sleape
26-Jul 1573 Jane & Marine LITHABY daus Wm

Entry difficult to read
03-Sep 1573 Florence NANSP-- dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
21-Sep 1573 Thomasine PA---- dau Stephin

Entry difficult to read
03-Oct 1573 Katheryne ?---- dau Robt

Entry difficult to read
29-Oct 1573 John BENNETT son Ric

06-Jan 1573 Mary TREGELL dau Nic Jone FUNE?

Entry difficult to read
13-Jan 1573 John GEILES son Jo

17-Feb 1573 Franc GULLY son Jo

20-Feb 1573 Ann PELLEST---- dau Alexan

Entry difficult to read
10-Mar 1573 Thom CHINGW---- son Alexan

Entry difficult to read
14-Mar 1573 Elizabeth HOCKY dau Jo
of M-----

Entry difficult to read
17-Mar 1573 Stephen BERDE or WAT son Orendy?

Entry difficult to read
21-Mar 1573 Dorothy JOHN dau Xpofer

Entry difficult to read
08-May 1574 Florence HODGE dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
09-May 1574 Thomas ROWSE son Ric

Entry difficult to read
01-Jun 1574 Florence MABLIAN dau Peter

Entry difficult to read
16-Jun 1574 Bart & Xpofer COCKE sons Jo

Entry difficult to read
12-Jul 1574 Xpian PERK--? dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
09-Aug 1574 Thomas SKEWES son Tho

Entry difficult to read
05-Sep 1574 Thomasin SYMONS dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
14-Oct 1574 Nicholas KNEEBONE son Hughe

Entry difficult to read
24-Oct 1574 Eliz & Florence CLIS-- daus Wat

Entry difficult to read
27-Nov 1574 Richard NANSPIAN son Jo

Entry difficult to read
24-Dec 1574 Marigold WOONE dau Wm

Entry difficult to read
27-Dec 1574 Ric KNEEBONE son Jinkinge

Entry difficult to read
29-Dec 1574 Jane WOONE alias P------ dau Jo

04-Jan 1574 Jane COUCHE dau Jo

05-Jan 1574 Edmond SNELL or PAYNE base child William PAYNE Agnes SNELL

08-Jan 1574 Wm HOOPER son Nicholas

05-Feb 1574 Jane CHAMPIAN or SKYNNER dau Wat CHAMPIAN Dewnes SKYNNER

Entry difficult to read
06-Feb 1574 James WILLMS alias TREHER son Tho

Entry difficult to read
15-Feb 1574 Alexander CHAMPIAN son John

02-Mar 1574 Roger LAVYN son John

14-Mar 1574 Jone LENN dau Thomas

17-Apr 1575 Nicholas PETER son John

Entry difficult to read
25-Apr 1575 Thomas BENNETT son Richarde

30-Apr 1575 Katherine GEORGE dau Franc

Entry difficult to read
12-May 1575 Jone FUGER dau Willm

Entry difficult to read
05-Jun 1575 John NAMELLYN son Alexander

Entry difficult to read
23-Jun 1575 Roger COWLAN son Jerman

29-Jun 1575 Jenefer HEARDE dau Phillipp

09-Jul 1575 Nicholas HOCKEN son Jo

Entry difficult to read
27-Jul 1575 Ric WM alias BYSE son Humfry

Entry difficult to read
10-Aug 1575 Dorothy DAVYES dau Thom

Entry difficult to read
19-Sep 1575 Willm CHINGWETHE son Alexander

Entry difficult to read
19-Sep 1575 Ar DAVYS alls SWEETE son Ric

Entry difficult to read
19-Oct 1575 Jane PEERS alls CHAMPIAN dau Paskow

Entry difficult to read
03-Dec 1575 Katherine COLLINGE dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
15-Dec 1575 Tho LEVENTON son John

Entry difficult to read
23-Dec 1575 Jone COUCHE dau Jo

04-Jan 1575 Julian CONDYE dau Jo

05-Jan 1575 John FRANCE son Richard

& buried Entry difficult to read
06-Jan 1575 Thom VIVIAN alls TREBISICKE son Hen

Entry difficult to read
03-Mar 1575 Richowe CARVEATHE dau Fr

base child Entry difficult to read
04-Mar 1575 Ric WOONE alls PENCOS son William

Entry difficult to read
04-Mar 1575 Dorothy RESPVA dau Jo

Junor Entry difficult to read
30-Mar 1576 Wm LUKYE son Jo

30-Mar 1576 Richarde PELLESTREETE son Alexander

01-Apr 1576 Ric LUKEY alls NICHOLLS son Edmond

01-Apr 1576 Pethericke RICHARDS or LIGHE

base son Entry difficult to read
11-Apr 1576 Jone LAA dau Jo

15-Apr 1576 Alexander CHAMPIAN son Jo

19-Apr 1576 Nic GULLYE son Jo

06-May 1576 Richard JOHN son Xpofer

Entry difficult to read
09-May 1576 Fr MABLIAN alls JINKINGE son Hughe

20-Jun 1576 Jone WALSHE dau Henrye

04-Jul 1576 John PERKINGE son Jo

21-Jul 1576 Jane HODGE dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
22-Jul 1576 Ric JOHN alls MABLIAN son Peter

Entry difficult to read
03-Aug 1576 James POKENHORNE son Robt

29-Aug 1576 John DAVYE son Jo
of Gonhoskyn?

Entry difficult to read
09-Sep 1576 Ric MILL son Robert

Entry difficult to read
10-Sep 1576 Richard WYATT son Ric

19-Oct 1576 Grace ADAM dau Mich

Entry difficult to read
02-Dec 1576 James KUBALL son Wm

Entry difficult to read
12-Dec 1576 Jone SKEWES dau Thomas

Entry difficult to read
02-Feb 1576 Richard PRYOR son Michaell

Entry difficult to read
10-Feb 1576 Susan CLEIFE dau Walter

Entry difficult to read
20-Feb 1576 Jone JAGIE or WI--
Martyn WI-- Dorothey JAGIE

base dau Entry difficult to read
27-Mar 1577 Alexander DONN son Richarde

25-Apr 1577 Tho JAMES son John

25-Apr 1577 Thomasine GEILES dau John

Entry difficult to read
14-May 1577 James LENN son Tho

Entry difficult to read
26-May 1577 Tamsin & Mary PENCOS daus Jo

09-Jun 1577 Willm LAVYN son John

15-Jun 1577 John FUGER son Wm

27-Jun 1577 Ric VIVIAN alls TREBISICKE son Hen

01-Jul 1577 Margarett BARTLA dau Jo

14-Jul 1577 Alice SYMON? dau Ricd

Entry difficult to read
17-Jul 1577 Ric ROWSE son Ric

31-Aug 1577 Tamsyn WOONE alls PENCOS dau William

04-Sep 1577 Richard PERKING son Stephin

23-Sep 1577 Phillipp POKENHORNE dau Robert

28-Sep 1577 Nicholas FRANCES son Richard

17-Oct 1577 Richard GEORGE son Francs

25-Oct 1577 Richard PETER son John

Entry difficult to read
27-Oct 1577 Willm DAVYE son Jo

29-Oct 1577 John KNEEBONE son Hughe

13-Nov 1577 John MABLIAN alls JINKINGE son

14-Nov 1577 Katherine WIATT dau Ric

21-Nov 1577 Jone WIATT dau Willm

the younger
05-Dec 1577 John KNEEBONE son Jinkinge

08-Dec 1577 John COBB son Bartholomew

10-Dec 1577 Jone LUKE dau

15-Dec 1577 Richard COUCHE son John

22-Dec 1577 Mary CONY dau Ric

the younger
29-Dec 1577 Marg DAVYE alls SWEETE dau Ric

17-Jan 1577 Arthur STEPHIN alls CHINGWETHE son Walt

30-Jan 1577 Alice MOORE dau Willm

31-Jan 1577 John COBB son Nicholas

Feb 1577 Water HOCKEN son John

13-Feb 1577 Grace HOCKEN dau Henrye

24-Feb 1577 John CARVEATHE son Michaell

15-Mar 1577 Richard CHAMPIAN son Jo

22-Apr 1578 Ric CONDYE or COURTE base son Jo CONDYE Mawd COURTE

24-May 1578 Jane LUKYE alls NICHOLLS dau Edmond

08-Jun 1578 Elizabeth CHAMPIAN dau Tho

15-Jun 1578 Margaret COLLINGES dau Jo

12-Jul 1578 Jone DAVYE alls SWEET dau Tho

17-Jul 1578 Willm WILLM? son John

Entry difficult to read
13-Aug 1578 Jo HOCKYE son Jo

26-Oct 1578 John PEERS son Paskow

30-Nov 1578 John REDALL son Enoder

01-Dec 1578 Jone CONDYE dau Ric

the elder
07-Dec 1578 Ric WYATT son Ric

06-Jan 1578 Xpian COBB dau Bartholomew

14-Jan 1578 Richard PERKINGE son Jo

15-Jan 1578 Nicholas BENNETT? son Ric

Entry difficult to read
24-Jan 1578 Enoder GULLY son Jo

28-Jan 1578 Willm LEVENTON son Jo

14-Feb 1578 Elizab DAVYE dau Jo

21-Feb 1578 John WOONE alls PENCOS son Willm

04-Mar 1578 Michell HOOPER son Nicholas

11-Mar 1578 Eliz CARVETH or VINCENT dau Fr Carveth Jone Vincent

21-Mar 1578 John MABLIAN alls J----? son Peter

Entry difficult to read
22-Mar 1578 Alice PETER dau Jo

29-Mar 1579 Ellnor CARVEATHE dau Michaell

29-Mar 1579 Margerye POKENHORNE dau Robert

04-Apr 1579 France MILL son Robert

11-Apr 1579 Alice PRYOR dau Michael

28-May 1579 Marye LAA dau Jo

10-Jun 1579 Katherine HODGE dau Ric

23-Jun 1579 Katherine CHINGWEATHE dau Walt

26-Jul 1579 Jone DAVEYE alls SWEETE dau Thom

31-Jul 1579 Thomas CHAMPIAN son John

16-Aug 1579 Marger PELLESTREETE dau Alexander

23-Aug 1579 Willm KUBALL son Willm

02-Oct 1579 Elizabeth CADYE dau Ric

11-Oct 1579 Jane CLEIFE dau Walt

23-Oct 1579 Roberte WYATT son Willm

05-Nov 1579 Water DONN son Ric

09-Jan 1579 Margaret COBB dau Barthol

29-Jan 1579 Ricd WOONE alls PENCOS son Jo

07-Feb 1579 John HOCKEYE son Jo

08-Feb 1579 Jane COUCHE dau John

11-Feb 1579 Marger PARKINGE dau Stephen

11-Feb 1579 Julian PERKINGE dau Stephen

28-Feb 1579 John MICHELL son Andrew

16-Mar 1579 Ricd GEORG son France

18-Mar 1579 John NORYE son
Elinor NOREY

who was begotten of child in Wales, where the abode,long & --------- Michell in Enoder, & was there delivered
29-Mar 1580 Marye CHAMPIAN dau Ric

31-Mar 1580 Nicholas WIATT son Ric

Apr 1580 John DONN or NAMELLYN son Enoder DONN Jane NAMELLYN

as the ----- Entry difficult to read
05-Apr 1580 Jane KNEEBONE dau Jenking

16-Apr 1580 Tamsen MICHELL or EBBY? dau Abell MICHELL Maryn EBBY?

Entry difficult to read
25-Apr 1580 Katherine CONYE dau Ric

the elder
06-May 1580 Solomon WILLIAMS son Humfrye

07-May 1580 Patience SWEETE dau Enoder

12-Jun 1580 Jone LAVYN dau John

13-Jun 1580 Margerye LEVENTON dau John

04-Jul 1580 Katherine NICHOLLS dau Hughe

Entry difficult to read
08-Jul 1580 Florence WILLIAMS alls KUBALL dau Thom

17-Jul 1580 Marye COOKE dau John

18-Jul 1580 Ric CONYE son Ric

the younger
13-Aug 1580 James LUKYE alls NICHOLLS son Edmond

28-Oct 1580 Thom RICKARDE son John

22-Dec 1580 Alice SWETE alls D---- dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
15-Jan 1580 Grace LUKE dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
08-Mar 1580 Eliz MILLERD or BOSWALLA dau Anth? Millerd Mellor? Boswalla

Entry difficult to read
07-Apr 1581 Marger SWEETE dau Enoder

Entry difficult to read
22-Apr 1581 Grace HARRYE dau John

01-May 1581 Katherine TRELETH or HUGHE dau James Hughe Jane Treleth

Entry difficult to read
06-May 1581 Richowe COUCHE dau John

14-May 1581 Penticoste DUNSTONE son John

24-May 1581 Richard PELLAMOUNTER son Thomas

18-Jun 1581 Richard MOO---? son Willm

Entry difficult to read
18-Jun 1581 Chesson DONKINGE son Anthonye

30-Jul 1581 John CARVEATH son Michaell

30-Jul 1581 James BARRETT or SLAY? son Symon SLAY? Jone BARRETT Bodmin

More writing - Entry difficult to read
10-Sep 1581 Jone WYNN dau Ric

17-Sep 1581 Florence MABLIAN dau Peter

21-Sep 1581 Alice CONYE dau Ric

the elder
10-Dec 1581 Katherine LAA dau John

13-Dec 1581 Katherine BUDDLE dau Miles

19-Jan 1581 Florence NICHOLL dau Abell

20-Jan 1581 Jane PETER dau John

27-Jan 1581 Ric PENCOSSE son Willm

11-Feb 1581 Cisley CLEIFE dau Walter

14-Feb 1581 Robert WYATT son Richard

25-Feb 1581 Jane WILLM alls KUBALL dau Tho

11-Mar 1581 John PABE son Thomas

24-Mar 1581 Margerye COBB dau Barth

25-Mar 1582 Willm LAVYN son John

20-Apr 1582 Willm SWEET son Thom

12-May 1582 Jone NOREY or PEDLER dau France Pedler Elinor Norye

Entry difficult to read
13-May 1582 Elizab BURDE dau James

04-Jun 1582 Thomas GEORGE son France

09-Jun 1582 Jane DUNSTONE dau

11-Jul 1582 Dorothy CHAMPIAN dau Thom

15-Jul 1582 Jone PERKINGE dau John

11-Aug 1582 Jone GULLYE dau ?---

Entry difficult to read
28-Aug 1582 John D-----? son Michaell

Entry difficult to read
03-Sep 1582 Reignolde BARTLA son Jo

03-Jun 1583 Margar STEPHIN dau Wat

Date out of order and appears that it should be 1582
16-Sep 1583 Richard DONN son Ric

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
02-Oct 1583 Thomas PELLAMOUNTER son Thom

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
14-Oct 1583 Edmonde LEVENTON son Ric

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
11-Nov 1583 Richard BYSE son Willm

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
16-Nov 1583 Elizab MABLYAN dau Peter

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
25-Nov 1583 Bartholomew LUKE son Ric

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
23-Dec 1583 Marye KUBALL dau Wm

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
27-Jan 1583 Ric CHAMPIAN son John

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
01-Mar 1583 Sara LAA dau Jo

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
04-Mar 1583 Margar HAWTEN dau Ric

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
21-Mar 1583 John CHAMPIAN son Ric

Date of 1583 but should be 1582. Entry difficult to read.
20-Apr 1583 John COUCHE son John

08-May 1583 John RICKARDE son John

18-May 1583 Mary PEERS dau Pascow

02-Jun 1583 Alice HOCKEN dau Thom

15-Jun 1583 Agenes KNEEBONE dau Jenking

16-Jun 1583 Julian ATKINGE dau Jo

06-Jul 1583 Julian WIATT dau Ric

28-Aug 1583 John WEBB son

05-Sep 1583 Florence PENCOS dau Jo

01-Sep 1583 Thomas EWSTES son Ric

26-Oct 1583 Julian HARRYE dau John

27-Oct 1583 Jone TREGELLGES dau Remfra

20-Nov 1583 Susanna LUKYE dau Abell

22-Nov 1583 Richard PARKINGE son Stephin

23-Dec 1583 Roberte GRAYE son Wm

02-Jan 1583 Jone SWEETE dau Ric

18-Feb 1583 Wm CONYE son Ric

the younger
01-Mar 1583 Florence PROWTE dau Wat

24-Mar 1583 Wm & Tamsine PKINGE son & dau Jo

27-Mar 1584 John BYSE son Willm

28-Mar 1584 John JAGOWE son John

28-Mar 1584 Alice COBB dau Bartholomew

29-Mar 1584 Michaell CHAMPIAN son Richard

29-Mar 1584 Thomas CARVEATHE son Michaell

22-May 1584 Marger WMS alls KUBALL dau Tho

23-May 1584 John KUBALL son Willm

28-May 1584 Susanna LAA dau Jo

the elder
07-Jul 1584 Jane BIRD dau James

12-Jul 1584 Grace CLEIFE dau Walter

09-Aug 1584 John RAWLYN son Ric

08-Sep 1584 Elnor DUNSTONE dau John

23-Sep 1584 France GEORGE son France

27-Sep 1584 Christian PABE dau Thom

27-Sep 1584 Alice WYNN dau Richard

11-Dec 1584 Ann WYATT dau Ric

15-Jan 1584 Elizabeth CADYE dau Reignold

Surname difficult to read
19-Jan 1584 John GULLYE son Nic

10-Feb 1584 Agnes TREGELLESTE dau Ric

24-Feb 1584 Marye LAWRY alls CHINGWE-- dau Wat

04-Mar 1584 Nicholas MOORE son Willm

21-Mar 1584 Elizabeth LAA dau Jo

the younger
27-Mar 1585 Ric POLLAWYN son Robert

09-Apr 1585 Katherine COUCHE dau Jo

13-Apr 1585 Henry GEORG or BOSW---- son Nic BOSW---- Allen GEORG

Entry difficult to read
17-May 1585 Alse CHAMPIAN dau Ric

18-May 1585 Jone LUKYE dau Abell

May 1585 Solomon LEVENTON son Jo

23-May 1585 Ric CHAMPIAN son Tho

25-May 1585 Ric ATKINS son Jo

27-May 1585 Jane COBB dau Bartholomew

12-Jun 1585 Charity CHAMPIAN dau Jo

13-Aug 1585 Michaell DONN son Ric

03-Sep 1585 Phillipp RICKARDE son Michaell

04-Nov 1585 Sampson RICKARDE son Jo

15-Dec 1585 John CONY son Ric

the elder
06-Jan 1585 Ric TREGELLGES son Remfra

14-Jan 1585 John WYATT son Ric

15-Jan 1585 Ric CHAMPIAN son George

21-Jan 1585 Tho LEVENTON son Ric

11-Feb 1585 Paskowe EWSTES son Ric

15-Apr 1586 Henry ROGER or PENMELLYN son John Roger Tamsin Penmellyn

20-Apr 1586 Jane PROWTE dau Water

20-Jun 1586 Grace BYSE dau Willm

25-Jun 1586 Ric HARRYE son John

01-Jul 1586 Michaell MABLIAN son Peter

06-Jul 1586 Gawen LAA son Jo, the elder

29-Jul 1586 Grace WOONE dau Wm

14-Aug 1586 Jo PETER alls BURTHY son Jo

02-Oct 1586 Tobias & A---n? CARVEATH sons Mich

Entry difficult to read
14-Oct 1586 Dorothy PKINGE dau Stephin

20-Oct 1586 Water VARTHEN son Tho

23-Oct 1586 Ann LAMBERDE dau Jo

23-Oct 1586 Florence CHAMPIAN dau Jo

18-Dec 1586 John GEORGE son France

20-Jan 1586 Julian CLEIFE dau Walt

22-Mar 1586 Florence HOCKEY? dau Reignold

10-Apr 1587 Magaret DAWE or COLLINS dau Willm Collins Jone Dawe

as the father
02-May 1587 Jane PFOLE dau Mathew

05-May 1587 Margar LUKAS dau Tho

17-May 1587 Robt COSWORTHE son Edward (Mr)

28-May 1587 John SWEETE son Richarde

11-Jun 1587 Jone LUKYE dau Abell

23-Jun 1587 Margar GL---EN dau Wm

Entry difficult to read
11-Jul 1587 Jo POLLAWYN son Robert

19-Jul 1587 Jo JAMES son Richard

18-Aug 1587 Michaell WOONE son Arthur

16-Sep 1587 John COUCHE son Jo

26-Sep 1587 Alice COBB dau Barthol

14-Oct 1587 Ric JOHN alls MABLAN son Robt

11-Nov 1587 Tho GULLYE son Nicholas

09-Jan 1587 Agnes GILLY dau Robt

of ------ Entry difficult to read
21-Jan 1587 George SYMON son Willm

08-Feb 1587
REYNOLD or RICKARDE base child Ric Rickarde Jone Reynold

was borne/TD> no Christian name given
10-Feb 1587 Jane & Constance LAA daus Jo

03-Mar 1587 Ric & Edward PENCOS sons Tho

08-Mar 1587 Jo CARTER son Lewes

12-Mar 1587 Jane WOONE dau Wm

24-Mar 1587 Ric EWSTES son Ric

03-Apr 1588 Jone PELLAMONT dau Thom

08-Apr 1588 Margerye RICKARDE dau Michll

21-Apr 1588 Debora CHINGWETH dau Walter

27-Apr 1588 John SWEETE son Enoder

03-May 1588 Wm WILL---? son Nicholas

Surname difficult to read
25-May 1588 Thomas GRAY son Willm

25-May 1588 Penticoste LEVENTON son John

31-May 1588 Marye RICKARD dau John

08-Jun 1588 Katherine J----ELL dau Jo

Surname difficult to read
30-Jun 1588 Richarde DUNSTONE son John

30-Jun 1588 Johan TYNDAGELL? dau Daniell

23-Aug 1588 John LAMBERDE son John

16-Oct 1588 Jane CHAMP---? dau Tho

Surname difficult to read
20-Oct 1588 Willm TREGEL----? son Remfrye

Surname difficult to read
01-Nov 1588 Reignolde LEVENTON son Ric

06-Nov 1588 Alice BYSE dau Willm

22-Dec 1588 Katherine HODGE dau Tho

of Mich--- Place name difficult to read
Jan 1588 Richard SYMON son Willm

10-Feb 1588 Willm WILLMS son Thom

09-Apr 1589 John CHAMPIAN son Richard

29-Apr 1589 Dorothy PROWTE dau Walter

29-Apr 1589 Nicholas DONN son Richard

17-May 1589 Thomasine TREGELLESTE dau Ric

11-Jun 1589 Julian COUCHE dau John

17-Jun 1589 May HOCKYE dau

daughter of Jone Hockye and Thom
18-Jun 1589 Agnes VIVIAN dau Thomas

13-Jul 1589 Ric CARVEATHE son Michaell

27-Jul 1589 Phillipp LUKAS dau Thom

of Mich--- Place name difficult to read
11-Aug 1589 Margery PABE dau Thom

13-Aug 1589 John PKINGE or CHAMPIAN son Jo Champian Agnes Pkinge

24-Aug 1589 Willm CHAMPIAN son John

03-Sep 1589 Grace CONDYE dau John

07-Sep 1589 Michaell DREWE son George

14-Sep 1589 Margar PHOLE dau Mathew

08-Oct 1589 Alice PEETER dau Nicholas

10-Oct 1589 Ann PELLAMOUNTER dau Thom (Mr)

13-Oct 1589 Christian LAA dau John

03-Nov 1589 Florence COOME dau Wm

05-Nov 1589 Wm WOONE son Arthur

10-Nov 1589 Nic JOHN alls MABLIAN son Peter

01-Dec 1589 Katherine WEARE dau Josephe

24-Dec 1589 Elsbeth SWEET dau Enoder

13-Jan 1589 Nicholas COBB son Bartholomew

15-Jan 1589 John GULLY son Jo

the younger
06-Feb 1589 Johan RICKARDE dau John

27-Feb 1589 Richard JAMES son Ric

11-Feb 1589 John CLEISE son Walter

13-Mar 1589 Nicole? WALTER or LUKE? dau Willm Luke? Mary Walter

as the father Entry difficult to read
21-Mar 1589 Jane JAGOWE dau John

03-Apr 1590 John SWEETE son Richarde

21-Apr 1590 Jo MABLIAN alls JINKING son Robte

10-May 1590 Alice LUKAS or HISKING dau Jo Hisking Elizab Lukas

Father's name difficult to read
16-May 1590 Jone PELLAWYN dau Robt

10-Jul 1590 Cibley GULLY dau Nicholas

24-Jul 1590 Tho HODGE son Tho

19-Sep 1590 Richarde MARTYN son John

27-Sep 1590 Julian DOWE dau Tho

11-Oct 1590 Ric SWALLOW son
Jane Swallow of Padstowe
base child Entry difficult to read
01-Nov 1590 Stephin PHOLE son Mathewe

01-Nov 1590 Elizabeth FRANCES dau Ric

04-Nov 1590 Jane ?----- dau Tho B----- Margery ?-----

Entry difficult to read
29-Nov 1590 Michaell CARVEATHE son Michaell

06-Jan 1590 Nicholas WILLOUGHBY son George

08-Jan 1590 Alice GULLY dau Jo (Junr)

10-Jan 1590 Jane LURGYE dau Tho

18-Jan 1590 John BOSCAWEN son Jo

24-Jan 1590 Dorothy BYSE dau Wm

10-Feb 1590 John POOLE son Ric

24-Feb 1590 Jo PEETER son Nic

27-Feb 1590 Ric CONDYE son Jo

06-Mar 1590 Xpofer LUKYE son Abell

08-Mar 1590 Humfry PELLAMOUNTER son Thomas

30-Mar 1591 Ric PROWTE son Walter

17-Apr 1591 Jone LAMBERT dau Jo

01-Aug 1591 Jo HOCKY alls CADY? son Reignold

Surname difficult to read
14-Sep 1591 John SYMONS son Willm

Surname difficult to read
02-Oct 1591 Ric? WILLIAMS alls KUBALL son Jo

Entry difficult to read
07-Nov 1591 Jenapher PKINGE dau Wat

13-Dec 1591 Julian LUKAS dau Thomas

17-Jan 1591 Alice JINKING dau Ric

19-Jan 1591 Julian COSWITH dau Ed
of ?----

26-Jan 1591 Ric REIGNOLD son Lawrence

13-Feb 1591 Symon CARVEATH son Michaell

18-Feb 1591 Alice GULLY dau Jo

11-Mar 1591 Johan DUNSTONE dau Jo

22-Mar 1591 Johan WILLIAMS alls ?---- dau Nic

19-Apr 1592 Thomasine PABE dau Th

07-May 1592 Alice CHAMPIAN dau Jo

13-May 1592 Dorothy CONY dau Ric (the elder)

21-May 1592 Margaret COBB dau Bartholomew

28-May 1592 Alice RICKIRDE dau John

04-Jun 1592 Jone WILLOUGHBY dau George

23-Jul 1592 Frances LEVENTON dau Ric

23-Aug 1592 John MARTYN son Jo

24-Sep 1592 Frances HODGE dau Tho

28-Sep 1592 Pascas PHILLIPP dau Wm

22-Oct 1592 Jone LEVENTON dau John

29-Oct 1592 Nicholas WOONE son Arthur

02-Nov 1592 Jone PABE or WILLS dau Willm Pabe Margret Wills

Reputed father Servant? To Tho Pellamounter Gent Entry difficult to read
04-Dec 1592 Ric FRANCES son Ric

09-Dec 1592 Nicholas WILLOUGHBY son John

20-Dec 1592 Edwde PELLAMOUNTER son Tho

23-Jan 1592 John MAUNDER son

Entry difficult to read
08-Mar 1592 Nic DREWE son George

10-Mar 1592 Michll DUNSTONE son Jo

11-Mar 1592 Ric COLLINGE son Willm

Entry difficult to read
27-Mar 1593 Henry HOOPER son Jo

26-Apr 1593 John KUBALL or LITHABYE base son John Kuball Agnes Lithabye

Reputed Father Mother's name difficult to read
17-May 1593 Bridgett GILL dau Tho

24-May 1593 Willm WALTER son John

of Ladoc
06-Jun 1593 Margerye SYMON dau Willm

Jul 1593 Michll WILLIAMS alls BOSWALLA son Jo

Jul 1593 Jane DONN dau Ric

19-Aug 1593 George JINKINGE son Ric

30-Aug 1593 Florence CARVEATHE dau France

16-Sep 1593 Elinor MASON dau George? Mason

Reputed father Entry difficult to read
16-Sep 1593 Marye VINCENT dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
16-Sep 1593 Kath & Thomasin REIGNOLDE daus L---?

23-Sep 1593 Katherine COBB dau Barth

30-Sep 1593 Thomasin CONDYE dau Jo

21-Oct 1593 Florence JINKINGE dau Robt

29-Oct 1593 John CLEMOWE son Otes

04-Nov 1593 John LAA son Jo

14-Nov 1593 Jane SWEETE dau Ric

04-Dec 1593 Jone PROWTE dau Walt

09-Dec 1593 Dorcas JAMES dau Ric

26-Dec 1593 Alice ADAM or HEARDE dau Phillipp Adam Dorothye Hearde

Entry difficult to read
08-Jan 1593 Edmonde BYSE son Wm

08-Jan 1593 Honor TANNER? dau Jo

Reputed father Entry difficult to read
20-Jan 1593 Elizabeth LURGYE dau Tho

09-Feb 1593 John MARTYN son Jo

10-Feb 1593 Wm WOONE alls PENCOS son Wm

17-Feb 1593 John SLEAPE son Jo

02-Apr 1594 John PHILLIPS or BURLACE base son Nic Burlace Milicent Phillips

Servant to Abell Lukey the reputed father Nic Burlace Gent
27-Apr 1594 Susan COSGARNE dau Robt

01-May 1594 Dorothy CARVETHE dau Mich

21-May 1594 John TOLGRAGON son Pascow

02-Jun 1594 Nich PETER son Nich

08-Jun 1594 Ric CLEIFE son Walter

18-Jun 1594 Elizabeth RANCK or PARSONS dau John Parsons Katherin Ranck

Reputed father of Dunster
05-Jul 1594 Ric COBB son Reignold

17-Aug 1594 Emlyn LAM---? dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
01-Sep 1594 George PARKINGE son Walt

03-Sep 1594 Marye CHAMPIAN dau Walt

22-Sep 1594 Ric WILLIAMS alls ------? son Reignold

15-Dec 1594 Ric DUNSTONE son John

21-Dec 1594 John

Entry difficult to read
12-Jan 1594 Jone

Entry difficult to read
19-Jan 1594 Elizab

Entry difficult to read
29-Jan 1594 Ann WILLOBY dau George

05-Feb 1594 Samuell HEARD son Ric

10-Feb 1594 Jane RANC or ?--- dau Daniell ----- Mgerye Ranc

Svant to Wm Wills; the reputed father Entry difficult to read
04-May 1595 Henry REIGNOLDE son
Katherine (widow)

25-May 1595 Elizab ANGILLYE dau Jo
of Mich---

18-Jun 1595 Thomasine DONN or BENNET dau John Bennet (the elder) Alice Donn

Reputed father
19-Jun 1595 Jone WILLOWGHBY dau Jo

16-Jul 1595 Hellen BOSWALLA dau Nic

17-Jul 1595 Gawen CARVEATH son Michaell

01-Aug 1595 Willm HOOP son Jo

31-Aug 1595 Michaell LEVENTON son Jo

21-Sep 1595 John CUBALL alls WM son Nic

02-Oct 1595 Barnard PABE son Tho

17-Nov 1595 Vrsula VINCENT dau Jo

Surname difficult to read
23-Nov 1595 Katherine MARTYN dau Jo

23-Dec 1595 Ric RICKARDE son Jo

31-Dec 1595 Jane LUKYE or CARVEATHE dau Michaell Carveathe Sicely Lukye

Reputed father
18-Jan 1595 Jane HODG dau Tho

12-Mar 1595 Patronell TRELAWDER alls BILLING dau John
of Egloshayle

23-Apr 1596 John COUCHE son Edwd

25-Apr 1596 Peter GULLYE son Jo Jun

01-May 1596 Ann JINKING dau Ric

23-May 1596 Hughe COBB son Reignold

30-May 1596 Dorothy SLEAPE dau Jo

23-Jul 1596 Johan HEARD dau Ric

Surname difficult to read
26-Jul 1596

No Christian name given
01-Aug 1596 Thomasin BOSWALLA dau Nich

02-Sep 1596 Katherine VIVIAN dau Tho

04-Sep 1596 Eliz COLLINS dau Wm

26-Sep 1596 Marye PASKOW dau Tho

03-Oct 1596 Ric SHEPHEARDE son John

03-Oct 1596 Eliz LUKAS dau Thomas

14-Oct 1596 Mgery FRANCE dau Nic

21-Nov 1596 Nic KUBALL son Nic

21-Nov 1596
CLEMOWE base dau
Agnes of Michell

Entry difficult to read
27-Dec 1596 John KUBALL son John

27-Dec 1596 Margaret CARVEATHE dau Michll

17-Feb 1596 Ric PETER son Nicholas

17-Feb 1596 Joseph JOLLY son Willm

25-Feb 1596 Margery CHAMPIAN dau Walt

10-Mar 1596 Jone WILLMS dau Reignold

26-Mar 1597 Mgaret WELCOCKE dau Ric

28-Mar 1597 John LITHABYE or DONN base son Willm Donn (Jun) Ann Lithabye

Reputed father
02-Apr 1597 Jane JINKINGE dau Robt

06-Apr 1597 Willm BYSE son Wm

15-Jun 1597 Jane WILLOUGHBY dau George

16-Jun 1597 Katherine PHILLIPPS dau Wm

17-Jul 1597 Robt TOLGARGON son Paskow

12-Aug 1597 Walt LURGYE son Thomas

04-Sep 1597 Symon PELLAMOUNTER son Tho

04-Oct 1597 Vrias COUCHE son Edwd

14-Oct 1597 Dorothy RICKARDE dau Michll

18-Oct 1597 John GULLYE son Nicholas

27-Nov 1597 Vrias TRICKARD son Leonard

Entry difficult to read
20-Dec 1597 Jone STEPHIN alls PETHERICK dau Ric

20-Jan 1597 John COWL------ base son

12-Feb 1597 Jone FRANCE or ------ dau Thomas Frances Elizab

Reputed father Entry difficult to read
01-Mar 1597 Ann ?--- dau Tho

Entry difficult to read
08-Mar 1597 Eliani BOSWALLA dau Jo

02-Apr 1598 Nic
son Clemow

Entry difficult to read
23-Apr 1598 Joseph JOLY son Willm

08-May 1598 M---y? NANCARROW dau Vrias

Entry difficult to read
02-Jun 1598 Jane FRANCE dau Nicholas

Entry difficult to read
21-Jun 1598 Polidor REIVE son Colan

Entry difficult to read
27-Jun 1598 Edward MARTYN son Jo

Entry difficult to read
29-Jun 1598 Xpofer VINCENT alls ?---- son Jo

Entry difficult to read
03-Jul 1598 Nicholas ?---- son Ric

Entry difficult to read
01-Sep 1598 Jone BOWEN dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
03-Sep 1598 Patience FRANCE dau Tho

Entry difficult to read
26-Sep 1598 Abell ?---- son Ric

Entry difficult to read
03-Oct 1598 Nic DUNSTONE son John

Entry difficult to read
11-Oct 1598 John ?---- son ?----

Entry difficult to read
07-Jan 1598 Barbara WISE dau Jo

13-Oct 1598 Leonard ADAM base son

Entry difficult to read
14-Jan 1598 Nic LAVYN son John

28-Jan 1598 Julian CLARCKE dau John

18-Feb 1598 John COLLINGE son Willm

21-Mar 1598 Jacatt PARKING dau Walt

12-Jun 1599 Tho TRICKARD son Leonard

27-Jul 1599 John HOOPER son John

02-Aug 1599 Ric HICH--- son Wm

24-Aug 1599 Elizab WILL--- dau Reignold

Entry difficult to read
26-Oct 1599 Mgaret PETHERICKE alls ----? dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
02-Nov 1599 Grace COSGARNE dau Robt

Entry difficult to read
18-Nov 1599 Willm WIL----? son Nich

Entry difficult to read
03-Dec 1599 John TOLGRAGON son Pascow

07-Dec 1599 Jone CHAMPIAN dau Walt

12-Dec 1599 Ann MAYE dau John

16-Jan 1599 Jane LENN dau Tho

18-Jan 1599 Jane & Jone KUBALL alls WILLIAMS dau John

31-Jan 1599 Jane PASCOW dau Tho

06-Feb 1599 Jane RICKARD dau Michaell

27-Feb 1599 Tho COUCHE son Edward

27-Feb 1599 Ann POLKINGHORNE dau Ric

24-Mar 1599 Jone LUCAS dau Tho

11-Apr 1600 Dorothie RICKARD dau Jo

14-Apr 1600 Ann NANCARROW dau Vrias

Entry difficult to read
12-May 1600 Vrias PETER son Nicholas

06-Jun 1600 Katherine HO----? dau
Tamsyn Ho----?

Entry difficult to read
13-Jul 1600 Christabell JOLLY dau Wm

Aug 1600 Ric & Marger ADAM base son & dau

Reputed father no name given
18-Aug 1600 Tamsin CH----? or TRELUDDROW dau Edmund Treluddrow Johan Ch----?

Reputed father Entry difficult to read
20-Aug 1600 Jane L-----? dau Daniel

Entry difficult to read
31-Aug 1600 John ?---- son A----?

Entry difficult to read
21-Sep 1600 Katherine ?---- dau Tho

Entry difficult to read
23-Sep 1600 Xpine R----- dau Colan

Entry difficult to read
19-Oct 1600 Grace STEPH---- dau Wm

Entry difficult to read
20-Oct 1600 Peternell RICHARD dau Jonas

23-Nov 1600 Jo COWLYN son Nicholas

30-Nov 1600 Mgery PENTIRE dau Polidor

13-Dec 1600 Ric HODGE son Tho

21-Dec 1600 Ann VINCENTE dau Jo

01-Feb 1600 Willm PELLAMOUNTER son Thom

06-Mar 1600 Robt WYSE son John

13-Mar 1600 John WILLOUGHBY son Jo

15-Mar 1600 Elizabeth WOLCOCKE dau Ric

20-Mar 1600 Anthonye HOOPER son John

22-Mar 1600
LEVENTON dau Willm

27-Mar 1601 John HEARDE son Ric

05-Apr 1601 John HARRYS son John

21-Apr 1601 Elizab FRANCIS dau Nic

21-May 1601 Roger SKYNNER son Roger

24-May 1601 Katherine LAVYN dau Jo

07-Jun 1601 Jane DOTTEN dau James

09-Jun 1601 Tho FRANCIS son Tho

of Michell Surname difficult to read
14-Jun 1601 Tho JINKINGE son Ric the elder

28-Jun 1601 Mellchisedech ADAM son John the younger

12-Jul 1601 Thomas BOSWALLA son Jo

22-Jul 1601 Sybell GULLYE dau Jo Jun

26-Jul 1601 James TREGENNO son Humfry

01-Aug 1601 Grace CONDY or WOONE base dau Ric Woone alls Pencosse Julian Condy

Reputed father
16-Aug 1601 Edmonde LYTHABY base son

Reputed father no name given
04-Oct 1601 Ric POKENHORNE son Ric

04-Nov 1601 Tho PASKOWE son Tho

11-Nov 1601 Henry MAYE son John

13-Nov 1601 Willm TEAGE? son Robt

Entry difficult to read
15-Nov 1601 Michll BO----? son Ric

09-Mar 1601 Mgartt NANKARROW dau Vrias

12-Mar 1601 Charity VEALE dau no name

of Sithney No fathers name given
26-Mar 1602 Michll LENN son Thomas

02-Apr 1602 Mgery PARNL? dau

No father's name given
02-May 1602 Jone BENNETT dau John

27-May 1602 Ann RICKARDE dau Michll

01-Jun 1602

base son

No names given
10-Jun 1602 Mgery WILLIAMS alls KUBALL dau Nich

20-Jun 1602 Vrsula LUKAS dau Tho

29-Jun 1602 Beterice HOCKY dau Ric

02-Aug 1602 Jane CHAMPIAN dau Ric

27-Aug 1602 Katherine COUCHE dau Richard

19-Sep 1602 Water COLLINGE son Willm

21-Sep 1602 Katherine TOLGRAGON dau Paskow

30-Oct 1602 Xabell LUKEY dau Walter

of St Dennis
10-Nov 1602 Nic STEPHIN son Ric

17-Nov 1602 Abraham JINKING son Jo

12-Dec 1602 Daniell LYSWELL son

23-Dec 1602 Tho TEAGE son Robt

27-Dec 1602 Ann HODGE base dau

29-Dec 1602 Ric LAWRYE son Wm

09-Jan 1602 Patience SYMON dau Reyn----

14-Jan 1602 Christabell PENT--- dau Poll

24-Jan 1602 Jone COUCH dau Edwd

28-Jan 1602 Lancelett PETER son Nic

27-Feb 1602 Vrias WOONE son Arthur

06-Mar 1602 Marye HE----- dau Ric

Entry difficult to read
13-Mar 1602 Johan WILLS alls GAVRIGAN dau Wm

06-Apr 1603 Tho COWLAN son Nic

09-Apr 1603 Wm PASKOW son Tho

19-Apr 1603 Mary KEAT dau Jo

Surname difficult to read
26-Apr 1603 Margery ADAM dau John

08-May 1603 Ric WOLLFE son Thomas

13-May 1603 Richarde HARRYS son John

30-May 1603 Elizab MARTYN dau Jo

30-May 1603 Peternell BENNETT dau John

05-Jul 1603 John CHAMP---- son Walt

21-Jul 1603 Jane PELLAMOUNTER dau Tho

24-Jul 1603 Ann PETHERICKE dau Tho

14-Aug 1603 Jone HODGE dau Tho

19-Sep 1603 Ric FRANCIS son Nic

25-Sep 1603 Abell DOCKETT son Nic

07-Oct 1603 John FRANCIS son

27-Oct 1603 John RENOWDEN son Willm

30-Oct 1603 John RICKARDE son Michll

01-Nov 1603 Henry PARKINGE son Ric

08-Jan 1603 Alice M----- dau Jo

Entry difficult to read
13-Jan 1603 Jane RANCKE or RESPVA? dau Jo Rancke Elizab Respva?

base dau; Reputed father Entry difficult to read
Jan 1603 Vrias HOOPER son Jo

Feb 1603 Tho GEORGE son John

Feb 1603 Ric CHAMPIAN son Richard

Feb 1603 Nic WISE son John

07-Feb 1603 Grace CONYE dau Michll

04-Mar 1603 John & Jone BOWEN son & dau Ric

07-Mar 1603 James PARKINGE son Walter

16-Mar 1603 Betrice TRELUDDROWE dau Ed

16-Mar 1603 Johan LAVYN dau John

04-Apr 1604 Willm REIVE son Colan

05-Apr 1604 Mathew KESTELL son Robt

13-Apr 1604 Ann COBB dau Reignold

03-Jun 1604 Jo HEYNES son Roger

a stranger
10-Jun 1604 Willm KEATE son Mr John

28-Jun 1604 Jone POLKINGHORNE dau Ric

29-Jul 1604 Willm HARRYS son Pawle

03-Aug 1604 Nic
son Richarde

No surname given
22-Sep 1604 Thomasine BENET dau

22-Sep 1604 Clearis PADYE dau John

14-Oct 1604 Elizab NANCARROW dau Vri

31-Dec 1604 Ric STEPHENS son Ric

10-Jan 1604 Jane RENOWDEN dau Wm

28-Jan 1604 Michll COWLAN son Nic

13-Feb 1604 Christabell SYMON dau Wm

09-Mar 1604 Jo LENN son Thomas

11-Mar 1604 Jane WOONE dau John

23-Mar 1604 Wm WOONE son Jo Jun

All transcriptions on this page courtesy of Sue Boyland

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Last Updated on 1 Nov 2014 (added Sue as transcriber)

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